August 7, 2023

Bailout by MM Flynn

The instant connection that sparked in Booker continues in a way that no one expected…

This is the third time my life has fallen apart.

What I had pretended to be in the past is now banging on the door of my present.

After living so many different lives, each one is a more faded version of myself. Who am I now? Who do I want to be?

Does Sam feel my body desperately reaching for his?

I don’t know who I am if I don’t mean anything to Kat.

After Kat dropped a bomb on my life, I’m filling my time with parties and fake shit. I need something else to keep me going. Something that won’t make me think about her.

I’m somehow still tied to her. Like our connection is too tightly knotted to be unwound.

I will always, always crawl back to her. Wherever she is.

Bailout was a good continuation of the series. It picks up right where Booker left off. Kat's secret is out and now we are watching how everything is unfolding. We get a lot more of Kat's back story in this book and it's heavy. When the two wind back up in the same space, they get a big surprise that intertwines the two even further. Sam steps up and we get to see both him and Kat both doing what they need to better build a life together.   I didn't feel overly connected to either Kat or Sam--I didn't find either of them relatable. That being said, this book (and series) moves fast and is still an enjoyable read.

About the Author

M M Flynn developed a passion for romance novels somewhere between her career as a textbook editor and the throes of motherhood.

She currently lives in the heart of the US with her husband, two kids and their pet doodle.

With each new book, M continues to captivate readers with her unique storytelling style and ability to create unforgettable, multidimensional characters. Her books have been praised for their ability to bring a fresh perspective to the romance genre, and have earned her a loyal following of fans.

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